Feature Proposal

2022 / INDIVIDUAL designer

Reimagining an accessible & inclusive lyric experience space.

Music is universal - meaning it comes in all different, shapes, sounds, and languages. So, how can we enhance music platforms to bridge existing gaps (in language barriers, visual impairments, fans / artists, songwriters / artists)? Let’s shift our focus to a familiar feature for all music fans: Lyrics.


Product Design, 2023


Individual Case Study





UX/UI Design


Feature Exploration for lyrics
Redefining music as a universal language

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Problem Space

Music fans around the world want to connect with music & artists on a deeper level. Lyrics & melodies are powerful tools. However, the current Lyrics feature leaves considerable user segments out of the equation (ex. fans with language barriers, needs for accessible features).

Defining the Problem

Even Spotify’s biggest fans can agree that the Spotify Lyrics feature has its limits. Users often toggle between a number of external lyric sources such as Genius, YouTube Music, and Google Search. 

Furthermore, when taken out of context, lyrics can define more than just a few lines of words. Lyrics to some may mean musical chords, notations, a means of feeling closer to an artist.

How can the Lyrics feature become a one-stop shop/playground for music lovers to explore meanings behind their favorite songs?

User Background

Many Spotify users, particularly non-native speakers and international fans, find it challenging to engage with song lyrics. Direct translations often lack context, making them difficult to understand and appreciate. This demographic values a deeper connection with the music and artists they love but currently faces an inaccessible lyric experience that limits their exploration. Additionally, the lack of customizable display options hampers their ability to connect meaningfully with the content, leaving them yearning for a more enriching and immersive experience.

Ideation & Iterations

Recognizing user challenges around lyric accessibility and engagement through numerous conversations and online threads, I worked on creating customizable text options for size, style, and color. This included a toggle for color-blind and low-vision users, enhancing overall accessibility.


To support language learners, I worked through multiple iterations of a stacked lyrics view, providing clear translations that improve comprehension and foster a stronger connection to the music. Additionally, the Chord-Lyric view was developed for musician fans, integrating chords with lyrics to facilitate deeper engagement.

Live sessions from Spotify Studios were designed to enhance artist engagement, allowing musicians to connect with fans in real time. These sessions not only feature performances but also offer artists the opportunity to share insights and stories behind their music as fans listen. By fostering a sense of community and interaction, these live experiences aim to deepen the connection between artists and their audience, enriching the overall user experience.

Design Solution

Lyrics + is the reimagined lyrics feature in Spotify, allowing music fans and musicians to explore a deeper level of translation ranging from customizable displays, musical chords, to Live Jam Sessions with artists.

Say goodbye to language barriers. Translate the lyrics to your favorite songs with one tap. Make language learning easier with a stacked view.


Karaoke night just got more fun, for everyone: Customize lyric text by size, style, color + a Color Blind/Low-Vision friendly setting.


A new way for fans to connect with their favorite artists & songs - Artist Mode for a chord view & Live Sessions from Spotify Studio.

Defining Meaning

With Lyrics+, Spotify can integrate features that continue to bridge the gap between itself and other song lyric/music streaming platforms.

More features means better supporting more user segments, and ultimately this means Spotify can capture even more of the music streaming market.

Lessons Learned

Engage in coversations
This feature redesign was based on personal experience as well as anecdotes pulled from friends and Internet users. I would love to collect more insights by engaging in deeper conversations & conducting user research to better explore the lyrics feature.

Details matter

This feature redesign was a sprint, so there’s a lot of room to give more love and attention to the small details such as new icons, design system consistency, and tying up loose ends in user flows.

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